Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, May 21, 2012

My favorite picture :-)

Out of the 150 shots honey and I had from our photo shoot, I was trying to pick my favorite. I think this is it :-)

I'll be posting later this week about my summer challenge and starting P90X!

A very special thank you for everyone that gave their prayers on my sister's behalf. At 26 she shouldn't have to go through the pain of burying her husband. My nieces and nephew didn't deserve to lose their dad the way that they did.

She's one of the strongest people I know for sure. She's doing okay and we will help her get through this.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Love of my life...the B.F.F.

****Pic heavy post****

After many failed and not so great relationships I remember asking the lord to bless me with a man that would become my best friend.

Someone that would protect and provide for me, someone that would love me and my girls unconditionally. He's done all of those things and more.

God heard me for sure and sent me the man that I want to grow old with. The man I want to have a family with..it's going to be a "beautifully blended" family!

He came along when I had all but given up on the idea of truly being in love. He came into my life when I had the least amount of confidence in myself. He looked past my 275 pound body and saw my heart.

I didn't ask for this distance but we fell in love, there was no turning back from that. Truth be told had we met 10 years ago we'd probably have 6 or 7 kids together lol!

He's one of the best people I know hands down and I'm looking forward to seeing where God will lead us in the future. For now I'm going to keep loving him and appreciating what we do have because it's special.

Thank you Daniel of 7dstudioz for your beautiful work once again!

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

RIP Courtney

My sister lost her husband last night in a very senseless murder. I ask that my blog buddies keep her and my nieces and nephew in your prayers.

He also has two other children that do not belong to my sister that have lost a father as well. My hope is that they are kept by God's grace too.

My sis and her fam on Easter this year.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The honey...

Last weekend was a great one!! My honey came to town last Thursday. It has been a very LONG three months, I've been going through a lot, needing and missing him like crazy.

I pretty much had the entire weekend planned for us but the storm that rolled through killed Friday date night...we were going clubbing and Saturday ended up being a wash due to piss poor planning on his part!

I was really looking forward to going out with him because when I was visiting him in February it was too cold to do the Mardi Gras parades. So we were inside mostly. I mean I'm not complaining, any time I get to spend with him no matter what we're doing is appreciated. But sometimes I like to get dressed up and prance around with my baby!

Mother's Day was nice, he took me to lunch AND we did a photo shoot in the early morning! He wasn't too happy about me pulling him out of bed at 8 am Sunday morning, especially since we didn't go to sleep until around 5 am?? I don't care, we really don't have any pics together and I wanted nice ones! He got over it and we even got a few smiles out of him in some of the shots!

I'll be sure to share those with y'all when I get the disk :-)

We also had a chance to finally talk face-to-face about our plans for the future, there are some MAJOR life changing events in the works! I'm not going to put it all out there right now but I'm looking forward to what we're working on as a couple.

I feel as though he's finally hearing what I'm saying to him about our future together. Okay maybe he's heard me but now he's listening.

I love this man, with my whole heart love him. I know that things are going to be okay.

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just because you have a ring...

This post is in direct response to the post on Mrs. Pancake's blog HERE'S THE LINK TO HER POST. I'm not going to lie, the topic rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not mad at her for bringing it up, I'm a bit baffled by the context and responses.
On the real in my humble personal opinion, as adults (when we have children) we have a responsibility to raise complete and productive members of society. How does wearing a ring (married or unmarried) have anything to do with that??
Okay you're married, you have a husband..that's great! I know plenty married men that are absent in their marriage AND their children's lives. I'm sick of folks passing judgement based on the absence of a wedding ring. You can be married and be un-fucking happy and have the most disrespectful kids walking!
Or you can be a single mom, co-parent with you child's father and keep it moving! If I chose to, I could "stunt & front" slap on a wedding band and give people the "perception" that I am married but for what? To save face for others? Fuck NO!
I stopped giving two shits about what people "think" about me years ago. I'll tell someone to their face that they can kiss my ass twice...you don't have to like me but you will respect me...PERIOD. Look at me sideways if you want, I'll call you on it!

As a mother, I take my responsibility seriously, if you meet my girls you'll know that. Me not wearing their dad's ring has nothing to do with it. If everyone was so happily married, the divorce rate would not be what it is, that's real.
As women and mothers we need to stick together. There shouldn't be a stigma associated with not wearing a ring and having a child. Your marriage IS NOT GUARANTEED FOREVER...sorry! The reality is you just might end up divorced just like 50% of others in a few years. It's a toss up!
The only one to judge is God. I fear God, I do not fear anyone else and what they think. Be mindful if you are married and judge a mother with her children and she's not wearing a ring. You do not know her story, it's not your business...that is all.
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Monday, May 7, 2012

Proud Mom!

My girls were baptized yesterday by their own choice. As a mother there is nothing more important than giving them a foundation in Christ.

The girls before being baptized

When I talk and listen to them I know that they are growing and understanding what it means to be a believer. I'm SO VERY proud of them!

My sugar challenge is still going strong! I am in my third week now!! Last weekend I stuck to my guns and only allowed for two treats!

I've purchased my breakfast, lunch and snacks for the week. No unnecessary spending on eating lunch out. I also bought a large package of chicken breast from Sam's Club which I seasoned, baked and stored for the week. Today I intend to prep and freeze black bean burger patties.

Anything I can do to simplify my life, that's what I'm doing!

I had been contemplating over the last few months which at home workout I really wanted to try next. Jillian's Body Revolution was the front runner but I've wanted to do P90X for quite some time now.

So I broke down and purchased the entire system!! I really wanted my own, I don't like to borrow from folks and likewise I don't like people borrowing stuff from me! Folks don't treat your ish the way you do AND they don't give it back lol! I no longer pay for a YMCA membership and I'm positive this will pay for itself!

I will begin P90X on Monday 5/14. I'll also be facilitating an accountability challenge for the summer! Details soon to follow!

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