Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 2: Project 35 by 35

I completed my second week! As far as exercise goes I was on point. Here are my totals for the week:

I am happy to report that I am down 2.8 pounds since March 4th! I plan to average a loss of 1.3-1.5 a week so I'm right on track.

I worked out 6 days this week! First time in a very long time that I've done 6 days! I'm not even going to lie, it felt damn good! My body responds well to workouts. For whatever reason my body has a strong hold on this excess weight but I'll be damned!

I'm back on the pill and I think that has something to do with it? But regardless I'm still going to reach my goal kicking and screaming!!

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Project 35 by 35!

If you've seen recent pictures of me on Instagram...FB...here on the blog...you may or may not have noticed (I prefer the latter) that I've gained weight? No you haven't noticed??? Great!!

Whatever the case might be I have gained too much to disclose in a years time! However I will eventually share all of the details.

This year on August 31...I will be turning 35 *gasp*...yes I know I look great for my age lol! Anyhoo that being said I need to lose 35 pounds by my 35th birthday!

Enter project 35 by 35!! I've divided up the pounds that I need to lose by the number of weeks until my birthday. I roughly need to aim for about a 1.35 loss per week. Totally safe and doable for me!

Fine in 50 challenge was a flop although my best intentions were there lol! I'll keep y'all posted on my progress!

I'm under construction in many aspects of my life so there's a rebuilding phase going on....stay with me here!

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