Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Climbing into my old pants lol!

These are a pair of size 22 wide leg Venezia jeans that I wore last year. I liked the wide leg, but these jeans at one point were super snug around the waist! As you can see not only I can fit my entire body in one of the pant legs...my daughter's were both able to climb in with me lol!!!

Again, another pair of old work slacks...size 20...fitting in one leg! These pants are being held for illustration purposes only!  


  1. That is incredibly inspiring - I'm posting about something like that in the morning, although, I'm still in my large jeans .... next year I hope to have a post just like this :)

  2. Cool! I always see this kinda demos on tv but seeing it on someone's blog seems a bit more real. Congratulations!

  3. I wish I had taken pics in them while they fit. I guess I never really thought about them ever being way too big. Taking pics is SO important! Thank all of you ladies, keep working and fighting for it, it will happen!

  4. wow... if this isnt motivation i dont know what is.
    congrats on your progess!
