Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Friday, December 10, 2010

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!! Payday Friday!!! Time to finish my Christmas shopping!

This morning when I rolled out of bed at 4:15 am *sigh* I was ready to do my Turbo Fire 55 EZ class! My body felt refreshed and energized! I opted not to lift weights or go to Spinning yesterday evening because I felt tired. Typically I can go pretty hard on my workouts throughout the week but even I have days when I need to sit one out.

Once I arrived at work I dropped my stuff in my office and headed over to Blue Water Taco for my “payday breakfast.” I promise you…sometimes this is the highlight of my Friday! I tend to scarf this down so fast I don’t have the chance to take a picture. Today I snapped a shot before the spicy Mexican scramble w/ a side of bacon disappeared! Potatoes, eggs, Pico de Gallo, cheese, jalapenos, cilantro and fresh salsa…mmmm mmmm good!    

My brain is running a mile a minute today…don’t quite know what’s up with that? Anyhoo, I went to preview and pick out my photographs from the boudoir shoot I did last Saturday. Honey let me tell you…my bae is a LUCKY man (he already knows this) as I remind him often! When I saw my “fierceness” flashing across the big screen at the studio, my jaw hit the floor!! The pictures are absolutely beautiful! They turned out even better than I expected! I should have my prints back next week and I’m thinking about posting the one that is most appropriate for mass viewing? I’ve said it before but I am SO GLAD I did this!

I heart Friday’s!


  1. That looks so good! Email me the food!! LOL

  2. Hi M!

    Glad to see you are doing so well! I really enjoy your blog. I've always wanted to do a boudoir shoot but must "tighten" up some things first, too! :) You are really inspriring me to change my goal of weight loss into a reality from fleeting dream.
