Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My favorite photos of 2010!

I've decided to post some of my favorite photos from 2010, of myself and family. I finally completed my detailed list of goals/plans for 2011, one of them is to utilize my camera more! Last year my iPhone took most of my photos, this has to change!! ***post is pic heavy***

They do love each other in between the bickering!

My nephew Marcus Jr. (MJ) he turned one December 23rd!

My mom and her new husband Alva. I never thought my mom would marry again, I'm glad she's happy!

My nephew Cam'Ron on roller skates :-)

Mimi as the Spider Princess

Julianni as the Bat Princess

The girls and I with the Seattle skyline in the background

Mimi and our cousin at MJ's 1st birthday party

Beautiful ME!

My niece Courtney

My niece Lyric bugg! She turned one on December 30th!

The Gulf Coast sent from my honey

Yes lovely ME again!

If I stick with my plan I should have way more to add to my "favs" list for 2011.


  1. Thanks for sharing yourself and fam, Meesh! I'm trifling too when it comes to pictures! I bought a digital camera last May and used it twice *shaking my head*! All other pictures were taken with my cell phone--it was so much easier! LOL This year will be so much different. We can do it!

  2. Well I'm going to start by taking pictures when I see my honey next week. Sad but we don't have any pictures together! What are we going to tell our grandkids lol?!
