Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thirty Days of ME...Day 18

Day Eighteen- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Having goals, a plan to make them a reality and dreaming makes up a huge part of who I am. As I wrote in a previous post, my issue at times is completion of my goal. For the last year and a half (almost) my goal has been weight loss related. I've been eating, sleeping and breathing weight loss!

A few of my short term goals (within two years) are;

Relocating to Houston
Finding a nice job with great benefits once I get there
Obtaining my ACE personal training certification
Obtaining my Spinning & Turbo Kick certifications respectively
Marriage to the love of my life and possibly one more baby :-)
Purchasing a home

A dream of mine is to become an entrepreneur doing something that I am passionate about. At this time I don't know if it will be health & fitness related or somehow related to my art? This is something that I've always wanted to do and I will make it happen!