Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Don't sit around waiting for things to happen...make them!

I am a Virgo, a perfectionist "go getter" with a strong sense of self. I don't sit around crying and complaining about my life being a certain way and then not do anything about it.

I tell my honey often that if I really want to do something...I get it done! I want to be happy, if that means making life adjustments to satisfy my needs then that's what I'll do! I don't have the time nor the patience for self pity BS!

I'm not brave for taking this huge step and relocating my life to Houston, I'm simply staying true to form and being Miesha! I can only be me! I do things that make me happy!

While I was in a relationship with my girls' father, I spent the entire five years we were together losing myself. He didn't work, I paid all if the bills, yet he dictated how our household should be ran. Instead of helping me, he sat on his ass and watched as I busted mine making sure my girls were taken care of. On top of the fact that he didn't work, he was very emotionally and physically abusive. He was damned and determined that he was going to "make me" bow down, and I was damned and determined that he wasn't!

He did so many awful things to me, it's a surprise that I didn't lose my mind. I suffered from depression and used food as my crutch. When I finally decided to leave him, I told my friends & family that I would never go back...I haven't! That was over four years ago now.

My life with him was pure hell but I learned a valuable lesson. I will never again sit back and let someone else dictate the outcome of my happiness. I wanted to lose 100+ pounds so I got up off my ass and did it. I've wanted to relocate to Houston for a number of years so I got up off my ass and I'm making it happen!

I spent way too many years caring about everyone else's feelings. My own wants and feelings were not a priority. My life as of now is about living my dreams and making my girls happy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Great post Miesha.

    I love your attitude, infact the more I read your posts, the more of that attitude rubs off onto me.

    It might be hardwork getting to our goals but once we get there, the rewards are so worth it.

  2. Thank you Tim. I've gone through a lot of things that I haven't ever mentioned on this blog. A lot of those things contributed to the weight I gained over the years. Eventually I'll talk about it more, it has made me the confident woman I am!

  3. That sounds like a 'tude to have! Good for you. I hate relying on others to create my own happiness, so I stopped...I may be alot more impatient this way, but I'm with you-when you want something done right, do it yourself!

    Polar's Mom

  4. I am glad you left the guy and you have done so great. Good for you and thanks for posting on my blog.
