Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, January 10, 2011

First weekly check in of 2011!

I couldn't possibly show my (in badly need of a pedicure) feet on the scale so I snapped the picture after I stepped off! After hovering around 173 the last three weeks, I'm back on the losing train! My life is going back to some type of normalcy which is great.

My first full week on the Points Plus plan was a success, I lost 3 pounds! I must admit, I like the changes in the new plan. I love being able to use my activity points before dipping into my weekly allowance. Last week I racked up 49 activity points! I LOVE that you receive way more points for activity as well.
My workout schedule was this:

Mon- Rest
Tues- (AM) Turbo Fire 45 min, (PM) Spinning 60 min
Wed- Rest
Thu- Spinning 60 min, Core 20 min
Fri- Turbo Fire 55 min
Sat- Spinning 45 min

Kicking and screaming I'm trying to take my workouts down to five days a week from six. I no longer have to kill myself to get the results I desire. I noticed that my body was having minor aches & pains continuously in certain spots, I can't have that happening!

I know the only thing that kept me from gaining weight last week was my workouts, I ate all types of snacks and treats smdh! I did figure what I ate into my points values for the day but it was still more than I should have consumed.

This week I'm trying to get in five workouts, I'm heading to Houston on Thursday to get a few things prepped for my move then spending the weekend in Louisiana with my honey! I'm so excited, I need a little break :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WHOOO HOOOO!!!!
    Way to go Miesha....a great week!
    The fact that you balanced your treats with the burn is a *high five*

    Loves it.

  3. You are a rock star! Way to go on the loss keep up the great work and good luck in Houston

  4. Congratulations you are doing so well. (Showing you an envy side glance...lol Just kidding!) I am going to be there soon! Good luck in Houston

  5. Y'all are sweet, thank you! I had to burn all of the pound cake, kit kats, twix bars AND fast food I consumed...I'm telling you it was ridiculous!

  6. I've been waiting for that losing train for a whole week now! It's stationary for me at the moment! D'oh!
