Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Less than two weeks to go!

I should be sleeping but spinning in the evening has me all jacked up! My honey saw the infomercial for the spinning workout system and wrote down the information for me (he knows I'm an addict) so that I can get my own spinning bike for home!! I'm so damn excited!

Something else to be excited about...I officially have a TX address, I found my place! I will be able to move into my own abode as soon as I arrive! I'm praising God again and again!

The main pieces of my relocation puzzle are coming together so seamlessly. My cousin Yani told me yesterday that I'm making it look easy! I've planned and researched for over a year, I didn't just up and decide to move.

Y'all don't even know how enormously thankful I am for all of the support!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Just goes to show that planning and research makes things run so much smoother.

    I'm the same with most of the things I do. It might be hardwork and stressful doing all the research but it's all worth it in the end.

  2. YAY! And spinning at home sounds DIVINE! :) Wish I had place for a bike...
