Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Emotional struggles

I'm feeling awful today! Yes it's Easter Sunday, yes I should be happy but right now I'm not. This being my first holiday away from my immediate family is harder on me than I thought it would be.

On top of all that, a dear friend of mine lost her mother suddenly last Wednesday. Just so happens that she's still grieving over the loss of her father whom passed 2 1/2 years ago. I am hurting for her, I wish I could've been there for her. She sent me this picture early this morning, made me want to start crying all over again.

Mama Edith, Tia & Me

I don't even remember how old we were when we took this picture but Tia and I have been friends since 6th grade, I was a bridesmaid in her wedding. I keep praying for her strength.

Then to put the icing on the cake, my honey and I are having our first fight disagreement. I said some very hurtful things to him yesterday, not intentionally to hurt him but out of frustration. It really rattled him. It's never my intent to purposely hurt someone that I love, so not talking to him right now until he gets over it is difficult. Words are just as powerful as actions.

All I'd really like to do right now is curl up and cry myself back to sleep. What I'm going to do is get up, workout and try to enjoy the rest of my day with my girls. Happy Easter!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I'm sorry that you are having a bad day. I hope all gets better, and you are making the better choice by getting back up working out and hanging out with your babies.

  2. Thank you, I'm feeling a little better.

  3. awwww I am sorry your having a bad day. I can only imagine being away from home. Say a prayer and kiss your beautiful girls :-) I hope you feel better.

  4. @ Ro- it's harder being away for this holiday, my family is big on holiday's. I've been sleeping, haven't even been outside.

  5. Hey Miesha! Love your name Diva;) Congratulations on your weight loss journey thus far! You look AMAZING doll!


  6. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's loss. I can't imagine what she and her family are going through at this time. I understand how difficult it must be for you, as well. I hope the sadness becomes a little easier for you to deal with. Good luck to you.

  7. Praying for you. We all have bad days...tomorrow enjoy the sunshine and a big kiss from your little ones.

  8. Thank you all so much for your kind words. I'm up this morning with a better attitude and ready for a great sweat session! I needed to have my moment, now I must move forward.
