Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Random ish' 4-1-11

1. Do people in Houston recycle? Why do I have to bring my recycle items to the bins at the park next door to my house (by the way my southern sweetie thinks I'm crazy for doing this)? Redamdiculous!

2. Scrubs are comfy but I miss wearing my cute clothes to work.

3. Ro got me hooked on the Naked brand smoothies...smdh!

4. I need a side hustle asap!

5. I made a sea salt body scrub the other day that smells just like chocolate chip cookie dough! Guess what?? I've stopped baking and eating those damn Tollhouse cookies every single day!

6. As if I haven't said it enough, I really adore my boyfriend! There's nothing like being in love with your best friend!

7. Julianni & Mimi light up my life :-)

8. I need to do a favorite things list.

9. It feels good to say "NO" to folks sometimes!

10. I'm making lumpia this weekend..uummm uummm good!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. LOL, we do recycle. Well I'm in Pearland but I still consider myself in Houston. I got my recycle bins from city hall. Humm, I need a good bath salt/scrub in my life. Yes do a favorite things list.

  2. Girl, I think you answered #4 with #5 - girl cause I would like a price quote on some of that salt scrub :)
