Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Friday, April 22, 2011

So what's next?

First and foremost I have to give a BIG thank you and virtual hugs to everyone that voted for me in the Beachbody Million Dollar Body Game!! Winners of this round will be announced on April 29th!

I'm excited about the outcome, I've worked SO hard at changing my body. I've also heard from a ton of people in the past week telling me that I am inspiring them to get moving! I'm humbled by it all, a bit overwhelming for me. Sharing my weight loss journey is leading me down a path I never could have dreamed for myself.

When people were telling me a year ago that I should start motivational speaking, I laughed! Who me?? Miesha Roshawn?? Nope! I'm SO quiet and reserved, when I was younger my mother called it "sneaky!"

Seriously though I've got so many things to consider. Sky is the limit as far as I'm concerned!

I see beauty in many things...

The ceiling at the Houston Children's Museum

There is a beautiful meaning and purpose behind my story. I now know what that is!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Good luck with the results. No matter what the outcome is, you've done incredible and you're a winner with all of us.

    Have a Happy Easter :)

  2. Beautiful!

    You have done such a great job...I think you SHOULD be a motivational speaker! Heck, I got motivation just LOOKING at you!
