Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ripped in 30 review week 1

I successfully completed all six days of workout 1! Days 2-3 my body hurt! I was so damn sore! I took a much needed rest day on Wednesday, so on day 4 I felt rested and the workout was nice!

On Friday, day 5 for some reason I felt weak during the strength combos and ab moves? Not sure why but I struggled through a few of those exercises! Then on Saturday I completed the entire workout without modifications. I then followed up with Turbo Fire 45 class. Needless to say after that I was pooped!!

Here's a progress pic, not sure if there's a difference yet but I'm still working!

Upcoming week- I somehow hurt my right shoulder :-(! It's been bothering me for a few weeks but after pushing through this week I think I made it worse.

I took yesterday as a rest day although I was going to start week 2. I am trying to avoid making it worse so the plan is to do four days of the week 2 workout this week along with two Turbo Fire workouts.

This is a minor setback but I've dealt with worse! I'll be posting another workout update next Monday!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Work it out girl!!!!! You are 100% pure inspiration!!! Thank you for the great advise about Turbo Fire, a sistah is over here shaking in her little space booties, lol!! Keep us posted on your progress!!

  2. Hey girl I hope your shoulder feels better soon...

    Congratulations on getting through week 1, I tried but I find Jillian to be super annoying. Now after seeing this post I want to try it again...lol

  3. OMG you went from 275 to this...that is fantastic!!! You are my hero

  4. ooh i totally love the new new on the blog! lovely!

  5. I just found your blog..not sure how to friend you quite yet but i will soon! What you have done is a testimony of what one can do with dedication and determined focus. well done!

  6. Thank you Mrs. Pancakes!!
    @Athelets4life, I am following you!! Thank you for the nice comment I appreciate it!

  7. You look so AMAZING!!! Carolyn is showing me your blog. I can't believe it. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration!!!
