Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Mi- Inspire Healthy Lifestyle Transformation Guides

I've finally completed another project I've been working on! Encouraged by the countless emails, comments and questions I've received since reaching my goal weight, I've written the first Mi-Inspire guide!

Everyday I receive an email asking what I did to lose weight? What do I eat, what my workouts are, how do I stay motivated..etc? Now 99% of these questions are answered throughout my blog BUT I understand some folks need a direct tangible reference.

As you can imagine I've answered the same questions many times! Unfortunately I don't have time to answer questions in depth from each person that asks me, I do have a job, kids and a man lol! I figured it would be smart to put everything in one place.

The first guide is all about what I did to start my healthy lifestyle transformation and how I stay consistent. In the second guide I will address food and of course the third will be about my workouts.

I'm sure there will be more eventually but for right now that's all I've got! The first guide is available for purchase here on my blog...YAY! If you've got $5 to spare please check it out! If you want to start changing your habits and don't know where to begin then this guide is for you! If you lack motivation it's for you as well! Or maybe you haven't read each of my previous posts and want to know how I'm keeping off the 110 pounds that I've lost? It's in this guide!

Feedback is greatly appreciated from everyone that does purchase the guide! It will help me build, grow and learn! Thank you all so very much for supporting me constantly!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Great idea!!! I am going to pass this on to friends who do not have blogs as well!
