Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, August 22, 2011

The unintentional mini blog break!

I unintentionally ended up taking a mini break from blogging. I felt as though I didn't have much to write about. I haven't been working out, eating right or focusing on my journey. Why? I've had SO many family events going on and I need to restructure and refocus. Since I'm opting not to live my life obsessed with the scale anymore my attitude is changing.

I should be enjoying myself with balance. That is hard to do! My weight is no longer my primary focus, how I look and feel is! I want to live healthily and happily! This summer has been a true test of my strengths and weaknesses.

My mom, brother, nephew and baby sis were here last week for our family reunion. Oh how I'd missed them! We had such a great time and the girls were loving every single spoiled moment they got!

On Saturday I attended the 50th surprise (all white) birthday party for my cousin Nikki. Again, my family loves to party and this was no different! Here's a few pics of me before leaving the house.

This wasn't the white dress I wanted I took too long to order it but it was a $7 STEAL at Marshall's..I couldn't pass that up! I was concerned about looking preggers due to my lack of exercise but I like how the dress ended up working out. I'm not quite sure what it is with me and these one shoulder dresses!?

I'm all over the place right now! School is back in, I'm ready for my house hold to have structure again! Summer has been relaxed and lazy.

That's it for now, I've got ish to do!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. That's what I want a healthy balance as opposed to an obsession...good for you!

  2. I love the look!! Balance is key, but it's so hard to find. Life is always throwing something at us isn't it!

  3. you looked so pretty! sometimes other things are more important than the blog! life happens!

  4. You look great Miesha. $7 (hold on, let me work that out into British pounds) - Wow! That's the bargain of the century! LOL

  5. Ummm yeah, $7!!!! Loves it!

  6. Thanks y'all!! I love a great deal and this dress was exactly that!!

    There is always something going on but we all need balance. I'm striving to live a multi-faceted life!

  7. You look absolutely fantastic! I have been off of my regimen for a few weeks now and I have to get my mind right so that I can reach my goal, your success is inspiring!

  8. $7!!!!!!!!!!!!! For $7, you make it work and you did!!
