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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Vision Board 2012

I've completed my vision board for 2012! It totally reflects all of the things I have written down on my goals list! I am a FIRM believer in speaking things into existence! I spoke many things into frutation for 2011. This upcoming year I plan to live bigger and better than I EVER have! Meaning I plan to create and follow my goals. Now that I have spoken them, written them AND visualized them they are no longer a dream! 

I'm not going to list all of my goals this year in my post, I think I'll just let my vision board do the talking for me! Have you created your vision board for 2012?? If not, what are you waiting for?


  1. Just found you via a Twitter RT. Congratulations on all that you've accomplished.

  2. loving the board. i have soo many things going on it prob would need a wall hmmm? i'm sure there's an app somewhere.
