Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Almost Skinny Texas Cheese Fries

So I decided to try this recipe after seeing it on the Skinny Taste blog! The picture screamed TRY ME!

I pretty much followed the recipe exactly but I made enough for five and seasoned to my liking. I very rarely measure when I season my food. I also added diced sautéed turkey spam...don't judge me lol! I used light sour cream instead of the ranch dipping sauce since I'm not a big fan of ranch.


My picture didn't do these justice and the smell while they were cooking was heavenly!! Besides chopping the potatoes this was a quick meal! On the meal rotation for sure!



  1. I had already said I was going to try it. I'm like you...that picture said eat me now. LOL

    Glad they turned out good. I think I will try to make them tomorrow. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love Texas Cheese fries so I will have to try this!
