Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, March 26, 2012

I really needed this break!

I've been M.I.A. for over a month now, and I've missed posting to my blog! I've definitely missed my buddies in blog land (waves at new followers...I see you boo!) although like normal (when I take mini breaks) I have been reading and commenting here and there on your blogs!

There's a lot to catch you all up on so I'll break it down in sections over the next few days. Today I want to talk about life in general and the reasons why I haven't been posting.


My friend and I moved into a nice big rental home almost two weeks ago! 5 bd/3 ba...2200+ square feet big! For what we believed would be a fairly simple move turned out to be one of that from hell! From start to finish it was a pain in the ass!

My pretty new duvet cover!

Needless to say somehow (with God's grace and mercy) we managed to get through it. I will say this though, the next place I move into I WILL OWN! Which brings me to my next subject!


I am very serious when I say that it is time for me to buy my own home. Since I don't foresee myself being married in the near future I must think and make plans solely on my ability to make it happen. Scary...a little bit, but I have to think about my girls and my stability for them in the future.

After much research, I found out that there are a ton of resources in Houston! You must be willing to educate yourself on the process and put in the work! That's how I run my life so I'm confident that I'll be able to do it!

Keep me in your prayers as I trudge through these unfamiliar muddy waters! I'll keep y'all posted on the process!

My most recent picture :-)

Tomorrow I plan to post about my relationship, then I'd like to talk about my journey and what's been happening with that!

Lastly I want to fill you in on a recent project AND my blog direction again! I wish I had the time to record and edit a vlog...but I don't so I'll try to catch you up best I can with pics!

Happy Monday!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Hey girl HEYYYYYYYY!!!!!

    OMG I've missed you but totally understand the break! Sitting on the edge of my seat for your next post!!
    Welcom back girl!!!


  2. Welcome back! Congratulations on the move. I hope it works out good for you.

  3. Beautiful duvet....can't wait to hear more about how you've been.

  4. Hey lady!!!! I love that duvet cover and congratulations on getting that move over and done with.

  5. Welcome back. Home ownership is indeed a long journey but its so worth it. Routing for you!

    You are wrong for leaving us hanging!

  6. Glad your back gorgeous :-) we still need to do lunch and CATCH up!

  7. Congratulations on your new home, and taking the steps to buy your own! Hope you're feeling as good as you're looking!

  8. Moving always sucks. I'm glad you have gotten settled. Loving the duvet.

    You were truly missed.
