Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Shadow Boxes!!

One of my favorite hobbies is scrapbooking and if you see my girls' books you'll know exactly what I'm saying! They love their books and I'm glad that I did them. They are very time consuming though and I like instant gratification SO I began making shadow boxes, just as gifts initially.

I have always been very artistic and quite a few of my old paintings and projects still have homes with my relatives lol! I recognize my talents and I enjoy the reaction I receive from my shadow box recipients!

Here are the ones I've completed thus far...


All of these are for new babies but I can design anything requested! I'm itching to do a wedding box, if you want one done let me know!!!

Prices will vary by size and design specifics. Those that have them LOVE them and I'm proud of my work!


  1. How cute!!!! I love the little diaper, that is the cutest thing in the world (could this be baby fever talking). I sure hope that I have a major life event soon so I can order one. But hey, why wait until then, may need to order one to honor my little lady :)


  2. Those are too cute!

  3. although I am MAJORLY partial to one, I love them all. I cant thank you enough for my precious heartfelt gift. Daddy Bean is STILL talking abt it.

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