Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm up!!

It's late Tuesday night and I'm up thinking. Evening workouts bite...I'm revved up like a mofo! You'd think I'd be tired since I did HIIT in the 5' o'clock hour this morning...not so much!

I recorded a vlog over the weekend which I need to upload. I did it on my iPad so it takes a little longer to render, my patience is a constant work in progress (sigh). It's a mini haul, my getting back to happy update!

I decided last week that I really needed to get my ass in gear and hop back on my healthy lifestyle journey. So what did I do?? I cooked and prepped my food for the week Sunday afternoon! It took me about 3 1/2 hours to complete all the cooking. Majority of my shopping was done Saturday...take a look!

5 lbs chicken breast that I seasoned before the George Forman grill...yes ma'am I still use mine!!

Shepard's pie...a lean version!

What my lunches look like...

It was a labor of love but totally worth the effort!! I have a goal to drop 6 pounds this week, I'll share my results next Monday when I weigh in again. I'm not counting any calories just eating my prepared meals.

My fridge!

I also scheduled 6 workouts for the week...I'm back!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Looks great! I know that you got this. When you are on top of things the weight just falls off.

  2. Can you share the salmon and squash recipe? Meal planning is a must for weight loss. You are on it.
