Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekend in Dallas!

The girls and I ventured to Dallas this weekend to see my baby sister AND to go to the State Fair of Texas! In all my travels I've never been to Dallas! I have every reason to go now since my sis will be living there for the next two years.

I'm actually posting on my bus ride home (Megabus is an awesome, cheaper, cleaner alternative to Greyhound) so I'll be able to complete a couple of posts!

Anyhoo, we had a great time! It's nice to talk to my 24 year old sis like she's a grownup and share my advice. Well she is a grownup but being 10 years older than her, I still view her a certain way. Although I know she'll have to learn a lot on her own I know she appreciates my opinion. I don't give her my 2 cents unless she asks which she often does so I'm guessing she wants it?

Plus we are a lot alike, she's a Virgo too...birthday just 3 days after mine! I love my sister, I'm proud of her! She's accomplished all of the things she's set out to do thus far. And best of all she's also an awesome auntie to her nieces and nephews!

This is why God created aunties!! Mommy doesn't do rides!

We had a BLAST! The fair is a little less than what I expected being that Texas is a HUGE state, the Western Washington fair AKA Puyallup Fair is much better in my opinion.

Gosh I missed New so much! He missed us too :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time! Let me know when you are in town next time and we will get together. I agree I wasn't impressed by the state fair at all, the Puyallup fair is way better. #206

  2. Look like you all had fun and I hate that I didn't make it to the fair this year :( but I had to laugh at the billboards they have up here talking about "Get Well Soon Big Tex"......0_0

  3. Looks like you had a blast!! Great pictures!
