Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Friday, May 17, 2013

House hunting!

It's been a LONG TIME!!! I'm searching for my first house to purchase, why didn't anyone let me know about the roller coaster ride? Why??? SMH! I'll keep y'all posted!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Week 2: Project 35 by 35

I completed my second week! As far as exercise goes I was on point. Here are my totals for the week:

I am happy to report that I am down 2.8 pounds since March 4th! I plan to average a loss of 1.3-1.5 a week so I'm right on track.

I worked out 6 days this week! First time in a very long time that I've done 6 days! I'm not even going to lie, it felt damn good! My body responds well to workouts. For whatever reason my body has a strong hold on this excess weight but I'll be damned!

I'm back on the pill and I think that has something to do with it? But regardless I'm still going to reach my goal kicking and screaming!!

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Project 35 by 35!

If you've seen recent pictures of me on Instagram...FB...here on the blog...you may or may not have noticed (I prefer the latter) that I've gained weight? No you haven't noticed??? Great!!

Whatever the case might be I have gained too much to disclose in a years time! However I will eventually share all of the details.

This year on August 31...I will be turning 35 *gasp*...yes I know I look great for my age lol! Anyhoo that being said I need to lose 35 pounds by my 35th birthday!

Enter project 35 by 35!! I've divided up the pounds that I need to lose by the number of weeks until my birthday. I roughly need to aim for about a 1.35 loss per week. Totally safe and doable for me!

Fine in 50 challenge was a flop although my best intentions were there lol! I'll keep y'all posted on my progress!

I'm under construction in many aspects of my life so there's a rebuilding phase going on....stay with me here!

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Monday, February 25, 2013

My first pattern review!!!! + Simplicity 2444

Pattern Description: Retro style dress...my personal all time favorite style of dress!

Pattern Sizing: For the bodice I cut a 16, for the skirt I cut a 20. For a newbie like myself I was completely ignorant to pattern sizing!! It is nothing close to ready to wear sizing so don't let the numbers intimidate you! In ready to wear right now I'm currently in a size 12....working my way back down to a 10 :)

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Shockingly YES!

Were the instructions easy to follow? I'm brand new to reading pattern instructions but these were fairly easy to follow. You have to have some sewing knowledge to navigate.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? I liked everything about it. I'm totally the feeling the design elements of the Project Runway patterns! I love the fact that you can mix and match the pieces and use different fabrics to get entirely different looks.

Fabric Used: Linen blend and a lightweight fusible interfacing.

Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: I noticed when checking my measurements against the pattern that my bust was significantly smaller than the waist and hip size I needed to cut. I was nervous about altering it because this was my first time altering a commercial pattern!! I created a new cutting line blending my smaller bust to fuller skirt.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes! And I will definitely sew this again! I'm thinking in a different view with denim.

Conclusion: Being a newbie sewist and having this as my first finished garment from a commercial pattern I am very proud!! It was my first time adding darts, pleats and facing. I think it came together quite nicely!

The pictures don't do this dress justice, it's super pretty!!

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Friday, February 15, 2013

Two years!!!

As of today I've been living in Houston for two years!! When I say leaving Seattle (home) has been a great change...that's putting it mildly! Although last year was emotionally taxing, it made me stronger! I won't complain!

I'm healthy, I'm happy and my girls are well adjusted. What else could I really ask for?? I'm blessed no doubt!

I just had to share the Valentine's Day swag I received! So much more than I ever expected!

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Super cute :))

It's amazing to me that I only just a few short weeks ago started using my sewing machine! My head is brimming with fabric, patterns and ideas for projects!!

Anyhoo this is my latest creation :)). Super cute Seattle Seahawks half apron! In all honesty I just might make these available for purchase with various teams by request! I'll keep y'all posted!

I am a football fanatic and I rep my home team all day! Initially I thought I ordered fleece for a completely different project but figured this would work well for the apron.

This is my first so going forward I'll know what adjustments to make! Hope y'all have a great weekend!

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fine in 50 update!

Okay so I'm still participating in the Fine in 50 challenge hosted by Ro that started on January 7 and will conclude on February 25th.

I didn't take my measurements on the start date but I did weigh in. I have measurements from September that are more than likely the same.

Since starting the challenge I am down a total of 6.4 pounds!

The jump start was me getting the damn flu the first week!!! FML!!! I mean of all weeks the week that I'm actually motivated to get my ass moving again!!

I wish I could say that I've been 100% on it....I cannot lie...I haven't been *sigh*. I can say that I've consistently started working out again which feel AMAZING...I've increased my water intake and I've cut out a TON of sugar! I've had a few situations run ins with fast food and alcohol but not enough to elaborate on lol!

I cook on a fairly regular basis so I'm not struggling with that. Being mindful of portions though 0_o

I do weigh myself weekly but I don't plan on posting about the challenge again until I reveal my results!!

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Regal Maxi Skirt with Sash!!

Let me first start off by saying that I am super proud of myself!!! When I set my mind to do something I will try and try until I get it right!

I had been dreaming of this skirt for SO LONG!! Once I ordered my fabric it took a minute for me to muster up the courage to give this a try! I'm glad that I did!

Thanks to Mimi G and her amazing tutorials I've now sewn an Obi Belt, Elastic waistband Maxi Dress, a Pencil Skirt AND of course the Regal Maxi with Sash! I'm behind on posting the picks of the other items...sorry!

So without further ado...here's my beautiful skirt!

All in all this skirt was pretty easy to execute, my main struggle was the zipper sigh. It took me a little over an hour to figure out the invisible zipper! Oh how frustrating!!! I was damn near close to throwing the entire skirt in the trash!!

I composed myself, watched a couple of YouTube videos on how to install the zipper and kept on working! This was after I ripped the zipper seam out 3 times!!! So I ruined the zipper and it's now stuck at the seam on the waistband fail but luckily I can slide it over my head and the sash covers the flaw!

Total time for completion: 14 hours over 2 days

I made a few mistakes but nothing I can't correct with the short version I plan to make for myself!! The interfacing I used for the waistband is way too heavy...duly noted.

Here's a very special thanks to my 7 year old Mimi for taking these pics!! They are a tad blurry (next time tripod) but she's dope!

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Thursday, January 31, 2013

My latest passion :)

If you follow me on FB, Instagram or Twitter...you may already know that I've been teaching myself how to knit and sew! Simultaneously...yes I know I can be a bit obsessive at times! I've got the bare basics of knitting down so now I'm focusing on using my new sewing machine.

I have a Brother LX2500, this is a super basic starter machine. It came with an instructional DVD that I found extremely helpful!

I'm not completely ignorant as far as sewing goes, my grandma bought my first machine years ago, I just wasn't truly interested in learning at the time. FML...I probably would have been BOSS by now! Ah well such is life!

Mmmkay so the main reason why I got inspired to really learn how to sew was THIS SKIRT!!! by Mimi G.

When I first laid eyes on it...I fell deeply...passionately in love *swoons*!!! Seriously it gave me life!!! I don't fall over clothes very often but this skirt is stalker worthy!! And yes I've been stalking Mimi G's blog ever since!! Her tutorials are dope, I actually feel like she's there helping!

I know she sold these skirts for a short period of time, but honestly I couldn't afford her price tag #TheStruggle

What to do???? Beg her??? Naw I wasn't going to do that SO imagine my delight when she posted a tutorial!!!!! *Faints*!!!! Next problem...I didn't have a sewing machine!!! I also didn't feel as though my sewing skill was proper enough to execute...but I received a machine for Christmas!!! Watch and wait!!!

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How I'm living!

This workout is EVERYTHING!!

I love me some Jeanette Jenkins!! I already own a few of her DVDs so I'm pretty familiar with her workout style. I bought this the same week that it was released but Sunday was my first real/serious attempt at doing the workout.

Baaaabbbyyyy when I tell you I cursed this chick...I'm not playing!! She starts out at a fairly moderate pace then just keeps hammering you until you start to cuss!!

Start to finish it's an hour and a half worth of work. I completed an hour and 15 minutes which isn't too bad right?? My calorie burn according to my Polar HRM was 865!!! Yup!! No complaints here!!

By the time I reached the Ring The Bell Mat Work section which is second to last before cool down I was tired! I made it through the second abs exercise and said "F" it I'm out lol!!

All in all I'm going to grade this workout an "A"

Mainly because it's two days later and I'm still struggling to sit down without using my hands to soften the impact 0_o. My ass isn't the only body part hurting...everything hurts so therefore that lets me know I got a kick ass full body workout!!

Because I like the sequence of the entire workout (you can pick and choose the sections you want to do if short on time) I plan to do it once or twice per week.

If you were contemplating trying it...JUST DO IT!!

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Monday, January 28, 2013

What's next??

This is heavy. So a month or so ago I wrote about my new beau. Things have been great between us BUT they also moved very quickly. We met at the end of July, by the beginning of November we are shacking and talking marriage...babies and houses.

I was getting something that I thought I always wanted. A man that is head over heels in love with me and my girls, a man that willingly will hand over his last to me, a man that has always kept his word to me. Don't get me wrong...I do still want those things but I also want them at the right time.

In love I am a firm believer that timing is everything! I know I rambled on and on about how I was ready to move on from my ex that lives in NO but I wasn't. I hadn't given myself the proper amount of time to heal.

In the back of my mind I always felt like things were moving a little fast with KC. I don't take marriage lightly, I've never been married before and I'm praying that when I do get married it will be forever.

So basically I told him last week that I'm not ready to get married, and I also need time and space to get clear with myself. Not an easy conversation but I think he respects the fact that I told him now rather than later.

What's next??

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy New Year....not looking back!

Happy New Year to all of you!

Last year was emotionally hard on me and I decided not to do a 2012 year in review post. Main reason being I just want/need to move forward.

Here's my vision board for 2013

This is the first day I've looked at it since I finished it! I must do better smh lol! I have made it the lock screen on my phone so now I see it multiple times a day!

At the start of last week my girl Ro kicked off her Fine in 50 challenge!! I rarely participate in challenges, even some that I've created 0_o!

But this time I thought I'd give it a go! Monday was great! I woke up early, got my workout done...and ate well all day! That evening my nose is runny but I think nothing of it kanyeshrugs here?

Tuesday comes and I wake up feeling awful. Now I got my flu shot in September so I'm thinking it's just a little cold and this to shall pass...WRONG! I left work midday feeling like I had been hit by a truck! Hot..cold..sweating...chills...everything associated with having the flu!

I had a complete loss of appetite and all I wanted to do was sleep! Not the way I had planned to jump start my weight loss again but hey..I'll take it!

I battled being sick all week long. My eating was off and on sporadic. For the most part I ate what I had a taste for once my appetite picked up a little. I drank lots of tea with honey instead of sugar. And I didn't have any fast food!

Since I'm feeling better I have weighed myself this morning and I am down 5 pounds since last Monday! It's back to business..I must get my body back to where I'm comfortable.

I'm moving in the right direction and that's the most important thing to me, all else will fall into place!

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