Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Monthly weigh in AND Ripped in 30!

My weight yesterday morning was 163 even. This is a 1.4 pound loss for April. It is SO much harder to lose when you aren't as heavy! This month I'm not aiming for a specific number of pounds to lose. My goal for May is to stick to the Ripped in 30 routine 6 days a week...let's just see how my body responds??!!

Stats remained the same as last month, no inches lost :-(. I think my body is shaping up nicely though :-)!

Photo day 1 starting Ripped in 30

Yesterday morning I woke up excited to start this workout! I know what happened to my body when I stuck to the 30 Day Shred workout religiously. I plan to stick to the routine and move up to the suggested level each week.

For workout 1, I noticed a few of the moves from her previous DVDs are the same. Cool, no problem, I know that they work! I think I did pretty good, I only used modifications for the push ups. Actually I did regular push ups first then switched over to the modified version. I'm getting stronger and that's a very good thing!

So far I love this workout! I'm sore all over, I haven't really felt soreness like this in a minute so I'm welcoming the pain lol!

I wanted to throw Turbo Fire in for additional cardio but I'm hurting right now! I might just hold off on that!

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