Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Blogging break

I've been taking a blogging pause, trying to focus on the things I've been neglecting. I do recognize that this IS my open journal and I need to spend time here as well.

What's going on with me??? Hmmm...I'm working hard to kick this sugar habit I've picked up over the last couple of months. Sugar is the DEVIL! Once I started eating sugar often, I started to crave it all of the time! My scale and abs are telling the story of my sugar binge, I'm trying to pull it all together for my July 1 weigh in and stats post.

Today, 6/24/11

This week I've completed all of my workouts, minus this morning but I'll get it in this evening. I'm proud of that because I'm being straight up when I tell you...my ass was slacking!

If I'm going to make it to #140, I have to pull it together no if ands or buts! Again I'm back to basics! All of my extra ish needs to take a sideline seat. I've worked too damn hard to let life throw me off my game!

Happy 26th birthday to my sister Marquita! My baby Mimi also celebrated her 6th birthday on the 21st!

Marquita & Mimi before we left Seattle

*My grams birthday was the 16th, my niece Courtney the 14th AND my nephew Cam'Ron on the 20th!!! Whew June birthdays are out of control in my family but I love it!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. December is the crazy month in my family.

    My sisters is the 4th, 6 days after is mine on the 10th. 6 days after is my dads on the 16th. Then it's CHRISTMAS!!!!! WOOO!!! (this is when my credit card actually starts to cry and begs me to stop spending money!)
