Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The indecisive Virgo!

Have you ever encountered an indecisive Virgo?? No??? Well now you have! I'll fill you in on a critical part of my personality...it's often difficult for me to make up my mind!

So last week I said I'd like to take my body to the next level and work towards #140...I still would like to do that...just not right now!

Most Virgo's are known perfectionist...think Beyonce & Michael Jackson (smile)! I am no different! I will not commit to something major unless I know I can give it 100% of my focus and attention.

Major goals for me must be achieved in sections. My weight loss, my relocation, both major done in sections. I sat down and made a list of my goals and their order of priority.

I'm cool with my body right now, it's most definitely in my top five of constant attention. Right now my top priority is getting my jewelry business up and running. I've been working on pieces and have the momentum right now to run with it!

So for now I'm going to pour my attention into my jewelry. I can't wait to share it with y'all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Good luck Miesha! I think over the last year or so, you've proved that you can do anything you've got your heart set on.

  2. Thanks Tim! That's just my attitude on life!

  3. Just found your site Miesha and I have met a lot of Virgo's in my day so I know that personality well. Do you thing and focus on what's most important to you.

    Right now that your jewelry business so give it the attention it needs and deserves. just because its your main focus doesnt mean you are going to throw everything else to the waste bag. Look forward to your journey!

    Be sure to check out my site as well... Waist Hips and Thighs

  4. Good luck Miesha! Being a fellow Virgo I know that once we set our minds to something its only a matter of time before it comes to pass.

  5. Thank you Thomas!

    @Cyone, where you been??? How's everything going??
