Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 week 4 workout

This Ripped in 30 DVD is a beast of a workout! Although I had taken a week of rest last week, I still wanted to try the week 4 workout this week.

July 27, 2011

Monday I did the workout to the best of my ability. True to form Jillian Michaels does not disappoint. This was as difficult as I expected it to be! But oddly enough the cardio segments in week 4 in my opinion are easier less difficult than the cardio segments in week 3. I felt the same way about weeks 2 and 3 in the 30 Day Shred DVD.

I completed the workout on Wednesday and I felt as though I got more out of it since I knew what to expect. As expected I've been sore ALL week long! Everything hurts! Workout 4 has glute work that'll have you cursing for sure!

Now that I've done all of the workouts in Ripped in 30 I can give my honest opinion. First I'd suggest doing 30 Day Shred for a month if you're not familiar with Jillian's style before moving up to Ripped in 30. If you want to challenge your body with short effective workouts, this is THE DVD for you!

You also might want to mute Jillian after awhile because her coaching can become a bit annoying! Stick with it, you'll be happy with your results for sure!

Playing in the mirror

This weeks workouts:

Mon: Ripped In 30 week 4
Tues: Turbo Fire 45 EZ
Wed: Ripped In 30 week 4
Thurs: Turbo Fire 45
Friday: Ripped in 30 week 4

*Side note* I bought this DVD in May and it's the end of July, I'm just now doing week 4! It may take awhile to get to week 4 but definitely give it a try!

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Weight loss and my irregular menstrual cycles

Sorry in advance for those fellas that read my blog, the topic of irregular menstrual cycles is probably of no interest to you!

Ever since I started my cycle in 7th grade it has been sporadic and irregular thanks to my PCOS. The only time it is regular is when I'm on birth control pills. The hormones in the pills keep things consistent.

For the most part I've been on birth control pills since I was 18. The only time I wasn't on the pill is when I decided I wanted to have kids. I still had to take a ovary stimulating drug called clomid to help me ovulate but that's an entirely different story!

I decided to stop taking my pills in February to see if my weight loss could/would play a factor in regulating my cycle on it's own?

Shockingly for the last four months my cycle has started and stopped on it's own on time! You have to understand this is major for me because there were times in the past when I would be on my cycle for two-three weeks at a time. This also contributed to my severe anemia when I was in high school.

From my junior year to senior year I went from being 175 pounds down to 140 pounds because I was anemic. I looked gaunt and sickly. I wasn't overweight but I was still very unhealthy. I had no energy and pretty much slept through my last year of high school!

With my health being a top priority, I now have something else I can attribute to my lifestyle transformation! Regular menstrual cycles!! This was a brief experiment though, I don't need any "new" additions to my life right now!

Back on my pills I go!

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On the streets of Houston

Friday night I had planned on an evening with a Red Box movie, ice cream and popcorn! Well Ro hit me up and talked me out of the house! She didn't have to do much talking since I haven't been "out" since I relocated!

I was midway into my movie BUT I hopped up, threw on hair and a little makeup...then out the door!

Ro and I out in Houston

Good times chica! Promise I wasn't scared lol! It's nice to meet people that are as real as they seem in blog land!

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Mi- Inspire Healthy Lifestyle Transformation Guides

I've finally completed another project I've been working on! Encouraged by the countless emails, comments and questions I've received since reaching my goal weight, I've written the first Mi-Inspire guide!

Everyday I receive an email asking what I did to lose weight? What do I eat, what my workouts are, how do I stay motivated..etc? Now 99% of these questions are answered throughout my blog BUT I understand some folks need a direct tangible reference.

As you can imagine I've answered the same questions many times! Unfortunately I don't have time to answer questions in depth from each person that asks me, I do have a job, kids and a man lol! I figured it would be smart to put everything in one place.

The first guide is all about what I did to start my healthy lifestyle transformation and how I stay consistent. In the second guide I will address food and of course the third will be about my workouts.

I'm sure there will be more eventually but for right now that's all I've got! The first guide is available for purchase here on my blog...YAY! If you've got $5 to spare please check it out! If you want to start changing your habits and don't know where to begin then this guide is for you! If you lack motivation it's for you as well! Or maybe you haven't read each of my previous posts and want to know how I'm keeping off the 110 pounds that I've lost? It's in this guide!

Feedback is greatly appreciated from everyone that does purchase the guide! It will help me build, grow and learn! Thank you all so very much for supporting me constantly!!

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Monday, July 18, 2011

New look!

Thanks Jen (Just Foolin Blog Designs) for my bangin' new look! My blog needed a facelift and you came highly recommended!

I love the fact that my progress is highlighted in my header now! Jen listened to what I wanted and executed my vision nicely!

I'm working on adding a few more pages to round out my blog. I sure do appreciate all the love and support from my blog buddies! I'll say it again, y'all help keep me focused and motivated :-)

Make sure you grab a button to add to your page!

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Friday, July 15, 2011

Weighted gloves

I have a pair of one pound weighted gloves that I haven't used in awhile. I figured I'd pull them out for my Thursday morning Turbo Fire workout. My arms have muscle but my triceps could use more work!

This morning I remember why I haven't used these gloves!! My shoulders and arms are aching! I'm laying in bed trying to figure out how I'm going to do this Ripped in 30 workout?? Uuummm yeah not happening until this evening!

Let me tell you these are a GREAT cheap investment to add to your workouts! If I can recall correctly, I paid something like $12 on Amazon.

You will have to get used to wearing them. One pound doesn't seem like a lot but strapped to your hands it feels like one hundred pounds after awhile!

I'll most definitely be wearing these from now on for my cardio workouts!

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Creamy Garlic Grits


1 cu instant Quaker grits
2 cu water
1 1/2 cu 2% milk
2 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp crushed garlic (jar or tube)
1 Tbsp salted butter
Salt & Pepper to taste

Garlic grits with shrimp & salmon...repost

Cooking instructions:

I follow the cooking instructions on the grits box to begin. Bring the water and 1 cu of milk (reserve the other 1/2 cu) to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and slowly stir in grits. I constantly stir my grits to prevent sticking.

Once grits are in the pot, add butter, garlic powder, and crushed garlic. Continue to stir, grits should begin to thicken. At this point add in the reserved milk. If you'd like them even creamier, add more milk.

Grits should be soft if they are cooked properly. If they taste grainy, keep stirring and let them cook longer.

Garlic grits with cod & peppers...repost

I like to pair my garlic grits with fish and shellfish. I'm sure they'd pair well with chicken, or pork too! Or as an option for vegetarians...topped with sautéd veggies.


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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Veggie Pasta Sauce

After reading the mishap of Mrs. Pancakes spaghetti sauce with broccoli, I decide to post pics of my veggie pasta sauce!

First things first, you want the sauce to be chunky, you're not trying to imitate a smooth tomato sauce. Doing it the "traditional" way won't make sense!

This first photo is the base. Ground turkey, zucchini, cauliflower, roma tomato, onion, bell pepper AND broccoli! If you're going to do it...do it BIG!

I season my sauce according to taste. Typically I'll use garlic powder, onion powder, basil, Italian seasoning, black pepper and salt. It always tastes best if you season the meat while you're browning it.

To my base I add a can of tomato paste and a can of diced tomatoes. I fill the diced tomatoes can twice with water and add it to the skillet. Stir it up and let it simmer! The tomato paste will begin to thicken the sauce.

Choose the veggies you love and get to work! This dish is one of my girl's favorites!

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Look at me now! Fab weekend :-)

The girls and I at my cousin's wedding reception 7/9/11

I had to share this picture because I absolutely love it! We partied hard that night, so much that I ended up sleeping the majority of Sunday afternoon! Good times with family!

Sunday dinner...

Seasoned pan seared cod, creamy garlic grits, onions, cauliflower, sweet peppers and tomatoes

This tasted so damn good, it will most definitely make it into the dinner rotation every couple weeks!

I woke up this morning ready for my workout, Ripped in 30 workout #3. I hadn't previewed workout #3 so I had NO idea what I was getting myself into *sigh*! This shit was difficult!!

I was panting so hard I just knew I was going to pass out!! I had to keep reminding myself to focus on the breath! I managed to make it through the routine with the modifications on some moves and a couple of rest moments.

Nevertheless I'll be up and at it again tomorrow! I have to keep challenging myself!

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Working out with Jillian this week!

I'm back on the Ripped in 30 bandwagon! Last week was workout #1...this week I've done workout #2 twice and will do it again tomorrow morning as well as Saturday morning.

I've been heading to the basketball court early Saturday morning the last couple of weeks to run suicide drills. Not sure what that is?? Check it out here how to perform suicide drills!

Me last Saturday after drills (the sun is kicking my ass)

I love these drills! Still waiting for Ro to come join me on the court!

Something funny is starting to happen. My body is telling me that I'm probably fairly close to my happily ever after as far as my weight is concerned. Yes I still want to build more muscle, but I'm not tripping over the scale anymore! This is a true revelation for me! I'm getting to happy..finally!!

I plan to advance to workout #3 of Ripped in 30 next week. Am I ready..nope...but I'm going to do it regardless so I can write a review!

Y'all keep kicking it with me flaws and all and I truly appreciate it!

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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Shali Shanel XS...my accessories line!

Until I have my Etsy store up and running I will post photos of my accessories here! My line is named after my daughters, Shali Shanel XS (their middle names) and everything is hand crafted by me! Nothing you see is ever identical, my work is one of a kind!

If you see something you like..don't hesitate! All earrings are priced at $10 through the summer! Thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated!

Lollipop- Rainbow Swirl

Ribbons - Yellow (variation)

Lollipop - Hot Pink

Lollipop - Purple

My stuff is flirty, fun and fly!! Get some :-)

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Weigh day! Stats!

Whew!! I made it through June! This was a hard month for me! I was an emotional wreck the better part of the month. I didn't want the month to become a total bust so I worked for redemption!

Two weeks ago I stepped on the scale in the midst of my sugar binge and the bitch read 172!!! Okay so I know I killed a half gallon of cookie dough ice cream from Friday evening to Sunday evening one weekend, I know I was half assed working out, oh and I also know I was eating real dirty but dayum!!

Weight 7/1/11, 165.4

Stats look like this...

Bust: 34
Waist: 29
Hips: 40.5
Thighs: (R) 23, (L) 23

Total weight lost in June: Zero! I actually gained 3.2 pounds...smdh

Total inches lost: Zero! I put inches on as well! I'm going to directly relate the inches to the muscle I feel all over! Shit I have to blame it on something!

July body shot #1

July body shot #2

My belly could look worse considering my binge! I have had great workouts since last Saturday though and I know it helped.

*Like my earrings??!! Aren't they cute?!! These are a pair of my designs! You'll see me wearing my designs from now on :-)*

Last month I wanted to bid farewell to the 160's, and that didn't happen! I also wanted to plan my menus one week out, that didn't happen either! One thing I did do is start lifting heavier weights! OMG I can feel the difference! I've been sore the last week and a half! Oh I also stuck with my split varied routine.

Goals for this month:

* Say adios to the 160's...again!
* Lift even heavier
* Menu planning 1 week out
* Continue varied split training
*blog/vlog at least twice a week

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