Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, August 22, 2011

The unintentional mini blog break!

I unintentionally ended up taking a mini break from blogging. I felt as though I didn't have much to write about. I haven't been working out, eating right or focusing on my journey. Why? I've had SO many family events going on and I need to restructure and refocus. Since I'm opting not to live my life obsessed with the scale anymore my attitude is changing.

I should be enjoying myself with balance. That is hard to do! My weight is no longer my primary focus, how I look and feel is! I want to live healthily and happily! This summer has been a true test of my strengths and weaknesses.

My mom, brother, nephew and baby sis were here last week for our family reunion. Oh how I'd missed them! We had such a great time and the girls were loving every single spoiled moment they got!

On Saturday I attended the 50th surprise (all white) birthday party for my cousin Nikki. Again, my family loves to party and this was no different! Here's a few pics of me before leaving the house.

This wasn't the white dress I wanted I took too long to order it but it was a $7 STEAL at Marshall's..I couldn't pass that up! I was concerned about looking preggers due to my lack of exercise but I like how the dress ended up working out. I'm not quite sure what it is with me and these one shoulder dresses!?

I'm all over the place right now! School is back in, I'm ready for my house hold to have structure again! Summer has been relaxed and lazy.

That's it for now, I've got ish to do!
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Monday, August 8, 2011

Sexing it up a bit!

Since my relocation to Houston I can admit my wardrobe choices have diminished quite a bit. My weight loss and climate change just about killed my wardrobe!

To make matters worse, I wear a uniform to work. I really only have to concern myself with my clothes on weekends. I like clothes but I'm not a clothes whore. I didn't want to start rebuilding my wardrobe until I was fairly certain I would be staying put in my size 8/10.

Well last weekend while I was in New Orleans my honey told me I need to start "sexing it up a bit!". He's right! He knows me very well and I know that I need to step my wardrobe game up.

This is something that I'd wear!

So yesterday honey tells me that he's going to buy me clothes give me money to buy clothes. This is after I tell him that I'm throwing on leggings and a fitted "T" to go eat lunch.

Okay cool but I really don't like to shop! What's a girl to do?

I follow a few fashion blogs, I admire their style and taste. I know one of the keys to building a successful wardrobe is finding your own style. Hell what exactly is my style??

I'm thinking about buying this dress to wear to an all white birthday party

I strive for comfort above anything! I don't want to continue to romp around Houston in "workout inspired" outfits! I need to find a site that lets me answer questions to help identify my style personality! I definitely don't have a copy cat personality and I'm not trying to mimic anyone else's style!

I plan to hit the Houston thrift scene soon. I've gone a few times with little success.

So again I now have something else to focus on!!

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Friday, August 5, 2011

A complete DONKEY! Happy Friday!!

This is how I feel!

I have acted a complete ass this week! No workouts, eating like a damn pig! I have to be straight up with all of you, I'm a constant work in progress! I refuse to step foot back on my scale until September 1.

I am one of those that will hop on the scale daily. This has to end. I can tell within a few days of pissy eating and absent workouts that I've gained weight. My body starts to look and feel extra soft! I'm sure my honey would appreciate the softness but I'm not really a fan!

This month is FULL of days that could easily send me off my path. So to counter the bad habits I'm picking up, I'll be eating raw, liquids (for 3 of my daily meals) and cleansing my body for five days.

I'll take pics of my meals although I'm not quite sure what I'll be eating? Most definitely not trying to get extra fancy! Sticking to the basics is what I do best!

Happy Friday!!

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Weigh Day! Stats!

I can honestly say this month was better than last but I took an entire week of rest. My girls were in Atlanta for two weeks and the first week that they were gone I rested! Mental and physical rest!

I did not complete all of my goals but I did do better. I've had a lot going on and just trying to maintain my sanity is proving to be a test!

Weight 8/1/11, 165

Stats look like this...

Bust: 34
Waist: 29
Hips: 40.5
Thighs: (R) 22.5 (L) 22.5

Total weight lost in July: -0.4

Total inches lost: 1 inch from my thighs

August progress pic...please excuse my appearance!

I go back and forth with the issue of just maintaining where I'm at, and living happily ever after between 160-165. I'm happy with the size of my body. I'm happy with my clothes size. I'm happy with the muscle I feel.

My honey is a big guy, 6'3 and I'm going to estimate about 280 pounds. When we met I weighed 275 at 5'5. We weighed damn near the same amount! Now when I'm hugging him he makes me feel small! If I lose anymore weight I think he just might crush me! That there is for another post though :-)!

So what am I going to do?? I'm going to keep loving myself and my success at weight loss! I still want more muscle tone so that's not going to change. As far as weight loss goes I'm pretty much done! I can't even believe I'm saying this!!

Ironically, this August marks anniversary of where I was two years ago! Two years ago in August I was 275, miserable and unhappy in my skin. Last August I was still fighting to reach my goal. This year I am happily living at my goal!

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