Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weigh Day! Stats!

I can honestly say this month was better than last but I took an entire week of rest. My girls were in Atlanta for two weeks and the first week that they were gone I rested! Mental and physical rest!

I did not complete all of my goals but I did do better. I've had a lot going on and just trying to maintain my sanity is proving to be a test!

Weight 8/1/11, 165

Stats look like this...

Bust: 34
Waist: 29
Hips: 40.5
Thighs: (R) 22.5 (L) 22.5

Total weight lost in July: -0.4

Total inches lost: 1 inch from my thighs

August progress pic...please excuse my appearance!

I go back and forth with the issue of just maintaining where I'm at, and living happily ever after between 160-165. I'm happy with the size of my body. I'm happy with my clothes size. I'm happy with the muscle I feel.

My honey is a big guy, 6'3 and I'm going to estimate about 280 pounds. When we met I weighed 275 at 5'5. We weighed damn near the same amount! Now when I'm hugging him he makes me feel small! If I lose anymore weight I think he just might crush me! That there is for another post though :-)!

So what am I going to do?? I'm going to keep loving myself and my success at weight loss! I still want more muscle tone so that's not going to change. As far as weight loss goes I'm pretty much done! I can't even believe I'm saying this!!

Ironically, this August marks anniversary of where I was two years ago! Two years ago in August I was 275, miserable and unhappy in my skin. Last August I was still fighting to reach my goal. This year I am happily living at my goal!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Miesha,

    Girl you are BAD ASS!!!!!

    You are such an INSPIRATION!

    May God Bless you and those BEAUTIFUL GIRLS, and hurry up
    with the next series of weightloss transformation booklets.LOL!

  2. at this point girl....you just have to be happy with your progress...you've come a long way..enjoy it!

  3. im so impressed..i need to lost twenty five pounds and i am still struggling! and its always awesome when the man makes you feel small:-) congrats!

  4. Yessss....you look great Miesha. You get to whatever goal you want but you wear that size well!~
    My Sheeee-ro :-)

  5. I appreciate all of your kind words!

  6. I can't wait to see where I am in 2 years. You've done brilliant! :)

  7. This is me very unhappy in my skin and procrastinating on doing a damn thing...I start and then stop never consistent...

  8. I completely understand the enjoying yourself aspect. I've been enjoying myself too. I've decided all that hard work I did to lose the weight is definitely worth keeping it off. Now it's back to the exercise grind. Keep up the good work!!! Definitely an inspiration!!

