Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sitting and thinking...

I had every intention to post about my outfit that I planned to wear to church yesterday..I was READY! Okay so when I woke up yesterday it was cold outside! That totally killed my planned outfit! Anyhoo, my baby Mimi took this picture of me yesterday and I LOVE it, so I'm bragging lol! For a six year old she's pretty talented! I'll try again next week for the outfit post!

November is knock, knock, knocking on the door and I've been thinking about the goals I set for 2011. In my humble opinion, I think I've done a fairly good job of accomplishing the majority of the list. Take a look here at my 2011 Goals. I just read over them again and I've done a damn good job! *pats myself on the back*

There are a few things that will carry over into 2012 as I expected along with new things! I am already thinking about my goals for 2012..what can I say, I am a planner!

There is one thing that I most want to focus on and that is evolving my blog into addressing my entire lifestyle. Although my weight loss and healthy living is a huge part of my life, it's not my entire life.

I've tried to merge all aspects of my life into my blog before with little success, so I'd like to spend the next two months figuring it out. I'd like the transition to be smooth and seamless..wish me luck!

I'm aiming for 2012 to be full of adventures and accomplishments..we speak things into existence!

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Friday, October 28, 2011

My sister..she's lucky I love her!

My sister rang my phone while I was at spin class last night. Then was all in a huff when I didn't answer when she called...entitled!

Side Note...I sweated more than I've sweated in months at spinning last night..I wasn't even going to go! SO glad I did :-)

My sister Marquita..super cute I know!

Okay so my sister calls me all in a huff, bitching about the amount of weight she's gained since last September. To her defense she was working and attending school full time AND she has three kids.

I won't call my sister's weight out unless she lets me but she's picked up 32 pounds in a little over a year. I've told her on numerous occasions as her big sister it's my job that she has to focus on ONE major thing at a time. Did she listen..NOPE!

She then tells me that she is now at her highest weight. So I sense the urgency in her tone and I'm assuming she's finally at her breaking point and wants to lose her excess pounds.

I love my sister and no matter how much she doesn't listen to what I tell her, I'm always going to help her out. She asked me to help her with a workout schedule and a menu...so I'm going to. I can't monitor her progress like I did when I was in Seattle but I'll have eyes and ears on the case (my 9 year old niece Courtney)!

I'll be sharing her progress monthly on my blog, she's not going to start her own blog...I need her to stay focused! Knowing her if she did it would be all about hair!

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Food..Fun..and Faith!

This past weekend was chill and I had a few "highlights" to top it off. First I have to say that meeting two bloggers I follow for the first time face-to-face was a treat!

Friday night Trina @ Ah..Me So Hongry and I met at Mimi's restaurant in Pearland (great food) to discuss details of the meet up. She's such a sweetie! Glad she suggested that restaurant, I'll have to bring my Mimi there to eat soon!

On Saturday morning after my workout the troop and I went to Central Market for the cheese festival! We all enjoy cheese so it was a nice outing!

cauliflower and broccoli..I couldn't tell the difference in the colors?

eggplants...my FAV!

grapes of course

The girls were psyched about the colors so we snapped away!

After the market, I went home for a little nap before Queen Reiko arrived to come assist me with my wardrobe malfunction! I've deemed her "Queen" because she most certainly made a mountain out of a molehill!

She gave me outfit ideas that I never would have conceived on my own! She's thebomb.com and my girls were all over the "dress up!" Thank you Reiko @ Gods Favorite Shoes for coming to my rescue! Be on the lookout for outfits pics every so often..I aim to make her proud!

Last but most certainly not least, Sunday the girls and I attended church services with a cousin. I mentioned at the beginning of the year that one of my goals after relocating was to find a church home. I've visited a few and to be honest I had a great feeling about this particular church from the moment we walked in.

I don't want to announce that I've found my church home without visiting a few more times BUT I have a very promising feeling! I'm excited!! As soon as I'm sure..you'll know!!

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Houston healthy lifestyle meet up!

In my last couple of posts I've hinted at something special in the making..and this is it!!

Myself, Ro @ Ro Gets Fit and Trina @ Ah..Me So Hongry are teaming up to host a series of meet ups to help y'all get through the upcoming holiday season!

Words cannot express how excited I am! Actually we're all pretty excited about it! So Houston area ladies this is the time to get with us and other ladies dedicated to changing their lifestyle as it pertains to weight, food and fitness!

The first event will be held at Hermann Park at 10:00 am on Saturday, November 12, 2011. We are going to walk/jog the Rice University Loop..approximately 3 miles. After the Loop we'll sit down for a bite to eat (healthy) at a nearby restaurant..to be determined.

We will be raffling 8 swag bags BUT everyone will go home with a lil something! This event is open to all ladies, not only those that blog about their weight loss journey. If you know someone that is just starting, go ahead and invite them!

We are limiting the RSVP's to 20 people including ourselves. Please be sure to RSVP with myself, Ro or Trina by Saturday, November 5, 2011.

Go ahead and email me @ miesharoshawn@gmail.com if you'd like to attend!

We look forward to hanging with all of you!! The second meet up will be announced soon..STAY TUNED!!! Let's tackle the holiday season together!

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Monday, October 17, 2011

The weekend in pics :-)

We had a really good weekend! Lots of fun, too much food! I thought I'd highlight my weekend in pictures today instead of with words!

Friday night..added color to my hair!

Saturday morning I brought the girls to the U of H to participate in the marathon kids kick off event!

Custom shadowbox frame designed by me for my cousin..she LOVED it!

All of the pics above were taken by Julianni, except for the cake..she's learning how to take pics :-)

Sunday was lazy, I attended church via Steaming Faith (online). Once I woke up I knew I wouldn't make it to services on time, but I did receive the word!

Special announcement post coming a bit later! Happy Monday!!

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday...food and foolishness!

It's finally Friday and I hear crickets chirping at my office..nobody is here! Shit why am I here then?? Oh yeah I have menu planning, blogging, web surfing work to do *side eye*

I don't believe I mentioned this but a good friend of mine (known since middle school) relocated from Seattle to Houston at the beginning of September. So we've been shacking..she's got a 12 (almost 13) year old daughter as well. I know she'll read this post so I have to give her a shout out...hey Mo!!

Okay so let's get to the foolishness! The girls have a constant three ring circus going on around us! Between the playing, the constant requests for treats, the hustling of extended bed times..it's a mess! It's complete chaos but on the other hand lots of fun!

I've managed to get workouts done here and there but nothing like I'm used to. We sneak out the house to Jack In The Box for chocolate overload cakes..this shit is getting out of hand!

My friend and I can't allow the girls to sabotage the weight loss efforts! I've gained and lost the same five pounds over the last few months several times. They key to continued success is planning, planning and more planning so that's what we've got to do! I've been saying for months that I need to get back to my menu planning but seriously now more than ever it's imperative that I do.

I've printed a new menu planning template and now it's time to get to work! The kids are not allowed to protest the menu! If they don't like it...TOUGH! One week out of the month will be dedicated to raw dinners. The girls aren't feeling this BUT again they don't have a choice!

Hopefully I'll be able to get a few pics posted from my weekend! Catch y'all in a few days!

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The A-Z of Miesha Roshawn!

Pic taken 10/5/11

I ran across this on Hair Gurl it looked like fun so here goes!!

A. Age: 33.
B. Bed size: King.
C. Chore that you hate: Washing, drying AND folding laundry! It never ends!
D. Dogs: I love dogs! I'll get one in a few months! His name will be Dallas Austin I've decided lol!
E. Essential start of your day: Thanking God for another day.
F. Favorite color: Purple.
G. Gold or Silver: Silver.
H. Height: 5'5.
I. Instruments you play: None! #Fail!
J. Job: Insurance verification..I also side hustle my jewelry!
K. Kids: Julianni Shali and Yasmine Shanel.
L. Live: Houston by way of Seattle 8 months ago today!!
M. Mother's name: Ramona (please don't tell her I told you this...she'll kill me) but everyone calls her Cathy.
N. Nicknames: Boo, Meesh, Eisha Boo, Meesha, Boobie, Cookie Boo AND Eshka Booska! Yes I have lots lol!
O. Overnight hospital stays: Only with my girls' C-Sections.
P. Pet peeves: Someone taking food from my plate without me offering (which I rarely do anyway), burns me up!
Q. Quote from movie: Falling in love ain't shit! Someone please tell me how to stay there? ~ Love Jones (I posted this on Twitter recently)
R. Right or left-handed. Right
S. Siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters and I lead the pack!
T. Tattoos: One, a cover up of an ex's name.
U. Underwear: My preference is boy shorts.
V. Vegetable you hate: Okra for sure!
W. What makes you run late: Julianni & Mimi on a regular basis! I think this is just a part of being a mom! You learn to accept it!
X. X-rays you've had: Dental, chest, finger.
Y. Yummy food you make: I make an egg white frittata that is delicious!
Z. Zoo animal: Tigers!

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My apologies!

I totally neglected to respond to the comments on my last blog post..my apologies!! There is always something circulating in my world and every time I say I need to respond..I forget!! My short term memory fails me on a daily basis!

I SO appreciate everyone that slides through and shows me some love! I thank you all, and I don't always comment on your blogs but I do read them!! I'm watching people progress on their journey's and figure out ways to push past road blocks..inspiring!!

My personal challenge this week:

100's...100 jumping jacks, 100 weighted squats with 10 lb dumbbells, 100 push ups and 100 crunches

*Done in sets of 20, less than 1 minute of rest between sets.

*Five times this week (I've already done it twice)

I'd like to work in 3 high intensity cardio sessions, 2 spinning classes AND a jog/run on the treadmill OR Turbo Fire? I need to write this in my planner ASAP!

As far as food goes, I'm watching my portions. I've got a baby shower on Saturday AND a planning session cocktail session with two of my fellow bloggers!!! Yay!!!

Tomorrow marks my 8th month in Houston!! Time really does fly!!

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Weigh day..FRESH new look!

October??? Is that you??? Well I'll be damned! It's that time of the month, weigh day!

*I did actually weigh myself on the first*

10/1/11..weight 166.2

Again I wish could say I had a great September but that would be a lie and I'm a terrible liar! In my last post I mentioned my lack of motivation was due to needing a change in my workout routine.

I went to the YMCA twice last week for spinning. Without a doubt it's the change that I needed! This week I plan to spin two times, try a new cardio class and lift weights two times.

I've got a fresh new look! I cut my hair...finally!! I'm not going to bore you with progress pics this month, there hasn't been much change in my body since last month. I'm thinking about only posting progress pics quarterly now? Just a thought?

I can barely contain the excitement I have for an upcoming event next month!!! Details soon to follow :-)!

Plans for October are to schedule my weekly workouts and menus. Nothing more..nothing less!

Let's all work towards a healthy upcoming holiday season!

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Confessions of 30something...: Celebrating Our 30s!: Miesha

The Confessions of 30something...: Celebrating Our 30s!: Miesha: There are some bloggers that you meet and right away you are fascinated by their story. Miesha is one of those bloggers. Her story is i...