Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My apologies!

I totally neglected to respond to the comments on my last blog post..my apologies!! There is always something circulating in my world and every time I say I need to respond..I forget!! My short term memory fails me on a daily basis!

I SO appreciate everyone that slides through and shows me some love! I thank you all, and I don't always comment on your blogs but I do read them!! I'm watching people progress on their journey's and figure out ways to push past road blocks..inspiring!!

My personal challenge this week:

100's...100 jumping jacks, 100 weighted squats with 10 lb dumbbells, 100 push ups and 100 crunches

*Done in sets of 20, less than 1 minute of rest between sets.

*Five times this week (I've already done it twice)

I'd like to work in 3 high intensity cardio sessions, 2 spinning classes AND a jog/run on the treadmill OR Turbo Fire? I need to write this in my planner ASAP!

As far as food goes, I'm watching my portions. I've got a baby shower on Saturday AND a planning session cocktail session with two of my fellow bloggers!!! Yay!!!

Tomorrow marks my 8th month in Houston!! Time really does fly!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. 8 months already?!? I remember when you just moved! All the best!

  2. Wow! I can't believe that it's been 8 months. That's crazy!!

    Btw, it's my 1 year blogiversary today, so just wanna say thanks for all the comments/advice you've given, I really appreciate it! :)

  3. Congrats on being in Houston 8months..it's a beautiful city! You are totally awesome too at your workouts! you inspire totally!

  4. Wow! Your blog is such an inspiration! Congrats on your transformation--you look great! I too am a "gym rat"--look forward to getting some ideas from you. And thx for being my lucky 200!
