Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Last weekend

My baby sister Chaz was in town last weekend for a short but necessary visit! She'll be in Seattle for the holidays so the girls and I won't see her until we venture to Dallas next month.

She accompanied me to my office holiday party New had to work (sad face here) and we had a blast!

After appetizers

The "official" party pic!

Last year I won a Target gift card AND an iPad! This year jewelry :)

I can't remember if this was taken before or after at the house??

I've been fooling around with lashes...something I said I'd NEVA do! Not those ugly batwings though O_0! Also I've been experimenting with different looks since I have a growing stock pile of makeup and tools, thanks to the man in my life! He forked over the $$$ for my birthday haul, and he never complains when I show him what else I've found i.e. purchased lol!

My sister had the bright idea to make a gingerbread house with the girls from scratch...another 0_o! We were already on a tight schedule from the outing she planned but she insisted!

We ended up coming home after the party and staying up until 2 am finishing this house sigh...

The house is monogrammed and all!! Happy holidays!

If you didn't see the girl's and my holiday shoot for 2012...take a look!
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Monday, December 10, 2012

Holiday photo shoot 2012 edition!

*All photography by Daniel T. Davis of 7dstudioz*

For those of you that are new to my blog, my girls and I have done a photo shoot together the last three years. If you missed the other two see Holiday 2011 and Summer in Seattle I use the photos to make our holiday cards. I called upon my favorite Houston photographer Daniel to make my vision a reality!

I wanted a very unique look and feel this time, the thought process about the style of the shoot began months ago lol! Daniel never disappoints me, take a look!

This was so much fun!! I'm already thinking about next year!!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New :))

I've been a bit hesitant when it came to writing about New. Let me first start off by saying that New is my "New" sweetie!

Yes I just ended another relationship not too long ago, and New was a big part of making the final decision to let it go. A few of my friends had asked me if it was too soon to move on with someone else? No. I was ready but I'm not going to lie and say that it has been easy.

I've known him now just over 3 months. Coming straight out of a relationship and into another was not my ideal but it happened for a reason. This man has consistently told me and shown me his true intentions. I have nothing but admiration and respect for that.

I thought I was specific in my last request for the man in my life, I guess I wasn't specific enough! New is showing me that there are still great men out here! He's so special to me :)

Ultimately we are at the same place at the right time as far as relationships go. New made it very clear from the start that he would be the man I've prayed for. No games, an all out full fledged courtship! I'd never experienced being courted in this manner! He's been spoiling me and I've gotten used to it!

I expect next year to be full of exciting changes in my life! I won't make any "official" announcements just yet BUT there are talks if bells..there are talks of rattles..there are talks of buying a home!! :))))

I'm looking forward to becoming a "Mrs" someday. It's nice to hear a man tell you I choose YOU! You are beautiful and I am going to make you my wife!

He told me when he met me that he knew I was going to be in trouble. I asked why? He said he knew that he was going to do whatever he had to do to win me and that I would not be able to resist!

So far he's kept his word!

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wordless Wednesday!

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Weekend in Dallas!

The girls and I ventured to Dallas this weekend to see my baby sister AND to go to the State Fair of Texas! In all my travels I've never been to Dallas! I have every reason to go now since my sis will be living there for the next two years.

I'm actually posting on my bus ride home (Megabus is an awesome, cheaper, cleaner alternative to Greyhound) so I'll be able to complete a couple of posts!

Anyhoo, we had a great time! It's nice to talk to my 24 year old sis like she's a grownup and share my advice. Well she is a grownup but being 10 years older than her, I still view her a certain way. Although I know she'll have to learn a lot on her own I know she appreciates my opinion. I don't give her my 2 cents unless she asks which she often does so I'm guessing she wants it?

Plus we are a lot alike, she's a Virgo too...birthday just 3 days after mine! I love my sister, I'm proud of her! She's accomplished all of the things she's set out to do thus far. And best of all she's also an awesome auntie to her nieces and nephews!

This is why God created aunties!! Mommy doesn't do rides!

We had a BLAST! The fair is a little less than what I expected being that Texas is a HUGE state, the Western Washington fair AKA Puyallup Fair is much better in my opinion.

Gosh I missed New so much! He missed us too :)

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

The breakup...and then.....

For those of you that have followed me for awhile, you know that I had been in a long distance relationship a little over three years. Over the last six months things between us haven't been good at all.

I struggled with the idea of walking away many times, and often times didn't know what I was going to do? I love this man, I felt as if he was my best friend...the love of my life.

I was wrong.

Not about him being my best friend, but about him being the man God intended me to spend the rest of my life with.

I felt often more times than not, that I was in a relationship all by myself, lonely and unsatisfied. The struggle was that he's not a bad person, there were just things that I didn't want to accept. I didn't feel like a priority in his life. I didn't feel important and sometimes I felt like he was keeping our relationship a secret.

His entire life is in New Orleans, and my life is here in Houston. He wasn't making enough effort in my opinion to show me his level of seriousness being three years in. I knew in my heart that I needed/wanted/deserved more.

So I made the tough decision to walk away. At the end of the day, I am 34 years old, a single mommy making it on my own. I need a partner in life that wants to be there for my girls and myself in every way possible, I had to let go. I was settling. I didn't relocate my life from Seattle to settle on a hope and a wish.

I'm ready to get married, have one more baby possibly. I never envisioned doing it alone. I don't think he was ready. He never told me that he wasn't but then he never told me that he was. I made peace with that.

I didn't cry, I've been crying since February. It didn't get better until I made up my mind. I was blocking my blessing.

And then came New!!

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Weigh day 10/8/12

Loss 1 pound

I didn't set a loss goal for the week, I just wanted to try to eat right and stay on track. Workouts were a bust again this week. I worked out once. My body feels soft and I don't like it!

The scale had been gradually creeping up and up, I've at least put a stop to that. I've figured out that I'm bored with my workouts, I need to try something new. Maybe Insanity?? I haven't done it yet and I need a challenge!

No food prep for this week, I have lots going on again...good things but still a lot. In due time I'll share the great news, I'm just not ready yet :)

Here's another video of my big girl singing! Have a great week!!

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Weigh Day 10/1/12


I set a loss goal of 2.6 for last week, I didn't hit it, I actually gained .4 ounces. I only worked out one day last week because "New New" aka my new boo insisted that I rest since I kept coughing up all sorts of nastiness! Although I wanted to resist his request, I knew he was right.

I knew for sure I wouldn't hit the 2.6 loss without workouts once my cycle started...ugh! I feel bloated of course! All I can aim to do is conquer this week successfully since I have a goal to reach!

I okay last week, I did end up having three cheat meals instead of one. I also ate three treats instead of one on different days of course thanks to PMS cravings. That ish is real!! The cravings, the cramping...it truly sucks ass.

This week meal planning/prep was pretty easy, I had a lot of leftovers in the freezer from the past two weeks for dinners this week.

On the menu this week:
*Lean turkey meat loaf
*Whole wheat spaghetti w/ meat sauce
*Slow cooked turkey chili
*Baked potatoes with broccoli & grated cheeses
*White bean & chicken soup
*Skinny Enchiladas

Last nights dinner...Santa Fe stuffed peppers

I haven't planned my workouts for the week yet, and I still have to take progress pics for the start of the month. Will post those tomorrow!!

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Return of the weekly update!!

Where I'm at..

Basic Stats:

Bust: 36
Waist: 33
Hips: 45
Thighs: 26 (each)

It's been a minute since I faithfully posted weekly about my journey. I'm proud to say that I'm B-A-C-K!!! Like for real back! Last week was awesome! I set a weight loss goal for the week, a food goal and workout goal!

My weight loss goal for last week was 6 pounds, I lost 4.4 pounds. I'm okay with that :)) This week my goal is a 2.6 loss.

I'm proud to say that I stuck to my menu the food I prepared last Sunday for lunches, dinners and snacks Mon-Friday! I also consumed no less than 64 oz of water per day! I tracked what I ate, this was fairly easy since my meals were prepped.

I completed five of my six workouts. Main reason why I didn't do them all?? I got sick (insert sad face here)! I started to not feel so great late Wednesday night and by Friday I was a total mess. Started to feel better Saturday but rested on Sunday instead of completing my missed day. I'm still congested this morning...I'll workout this evening once I make it home.

One cheat meal which was Thursday, a Thai dinner with a certain someone that brought me these...

Accompanied by a Twix bar which was my one treat allowed for the week! I ate it on Friday as I was too full to eat it after dinner...piggy!

I am allowing myself one cheat meal per week...not day AND one treat per week my choice.

I find this helps me to stay on track. I'm going to be brutally honest about the 30 pounds I've gained since this time last year. It's not pretty but it's honest and it's real, something I've always been. I'm addressing it and I've already lost 5 of it!

I'm working to get back to my goal weight of 165 by my 2 year maintaining date which is January 15, 2013. I'll take progress pics on October 1, then continually the 1st of each month. My weekly weigh day is Monday, I'll report in each week.

This is a long post but here is some of my food prepped for this week!

Roasted squash & zucchini, clean turkey muffins, honey mustard tilapia & salmon, brown rice casserole

Roasted tomato & pepper soup

Roasted veggies for the soup above

Last weekend dinners...

Grilled chicken, mushroom & spinach wrap

Stir fry chicken

Yesterday's breakfast plate..

Have an awesome week!!

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm up!!

It's late Tuesday night and I'm up thinking. Evening workouts bite...I'm revved up like a mofo! You'd think I'd be tired since I did HIIT in the 5' o'clock hour this morning...not so much!

I recorded a vlog over the weekend which I need to upload. I did it on my iPad so it takes a little longer to render, my patience is a constant work in progress (sigh). It's a mini haul, my getting back to happy update!

I decided last week that I really needed to get my ass in gear and hop back on my healthy lifestyle journey. So what did I do?? I cooked and prepped my food for the week Sunday afternoon! It took me about 3 1/2 hours to complete all the cooking. Majority of my shopping was done Saturday...take a look!

5 lbs chicken breast that I seasoned before the George Forman grill...yes ma'am I still use mine!!

Shepard's pie...a lean version!

What my lunches look like...

It was a labor of love but totally worth the effort!! I have a goal to drop 6 pounds this week, I'll share my results next Monday when I weigh in again. I'm not counting any calories just eating my prepared meals.

My fridge!

I also scheduled 6 workouts for the week...I'm back!!

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