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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Shopping for 14's :-)))))

Psyched! That's my word for the day! I've had to readjust my wardrobe gradually over the past eight months. I bought size 16 dress slacks for work at the beginning of April and they now look silly on me. My mind is still adjusting to the drop in sizes. I don't remember the last time I wore a 14?? It's been a very long time. I was wearing (snug fit) size 20/22 last November. Shopping is adding fuel to my fire! Even if I try on something that is a bit too snug I keep that tucked away in my mental rolodex. I know in a month or so I'll be able to wear it.

I'm not exactly sure where my weight loss goal is going to put me as far as sizes but I see designer jeans in the near future!

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