Who is Miesha Roshawn?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The weekly check in 11/15/10

It’s time once again for my weekly weigh in!! As of yesterday I am down 2.4 pounds from last Monday putting me at 173.8! My workouts have been crazy tough but well worth it, the payoff is soooooo sweeeet! As far as food goes, I did fairly well and stayed within my points most days. I normally have 3-7 activity points available everyday except Wednesday (rest day) so that makes things easier. I know for a fact my flex points were taken up by the pesky Halloween candy that is still lingering around my house! I took the liberty of locking up the remainder of it in the trunk of my car! I have to do what I have to do, my kids don’t need all of that candy but I do give them (and myself) treats!


I am attempting to add more pictures of myself and my day-to-day comings and goings on my posts. At some point I’ll create a video about my journey. I enjoy viewing and reading about others on the same path to wellness. This blog is about continuing to step outside of my comfort zone. I am creating an entirely new comfort zone for myself and it feels good!



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